
Skin maker / controversial user

ItsRainbowStevee, known by many usernames but most commonly just referred to as RainbowSteve, was a skinseed user who's presence goes back to 2018, but who got himself into a shitstorm of drama in 2023. RainbowSteve, or Brian, was a huge fan of a youtube series called Steve Saga, and frequently based his online persona off of the characters, the skinseed user (Brian) is in no way affiliated with the actual series or it's creator.

Fake Catrabelle

In December of 2023, around christmas, a skinseed troll popped up, trying to impersonate the user Catrabelle, a close friend of RainbowSteve. Rainbow became friends with the impersonator while the real catrabelle was gone, and eventually ended up in a relationship with her, defending her against criticism from his now ex friend, Catra. This girl and Rainbow would be spotted frequently doing ERP and talking sexually to each other. Several people would then find out, after the person behind the fake catrabelle account exposed Rainbow, that the she had been telling him she was 12 this whole time, while RainbowSteve himself claimed at the time to be 21, and then would later say he was 16, going on 17. Brian denied that the sexual roleplays took place, but some users, specifically amoxicillin, had screenshots of some of it, and amoxi had access to chatlogs from skins RainbowSteve was tagged in obtained by X's bot, that showed even more of these explicit messages, as well as revealing Brian's fetish for farts that he would involve in some of these roleplays, and project onto his other female friends such as hero_girl, who was also very young. At the time, Brian would claim the evidence was photoshopped, when people brought it up or brought attention to it, and would encourage his friends to spam report anyone making posts about it. All of the drama that followed resulted in the hashtag #RainbowPedo, which would be added to for multiple months, into 2024.

RainbowSteve would go on to make more excuses when he got called out for what he did or saw people talking about it. One user, Gully, who prominently reported on RainbowSteve described one of these excuses, in which Rainbow claimed the 12 year old "forced him" to do the ERP by threatening to ip ban him.

"He claims that he had "no intention" of doing erp with FC, but she threatened to IP ban him from skinseed unless he complied. Steve, you're 21 years old, or at least 16, and you should be bright enough to know the notion of this person completely IP banning you on their own, over this is absurd. And as the adult in the situation, it shouldn't matter what the 12 year old threatens to do to your precious skinseed account, you do not have sexual relations with a child. You should know this if you're 21, you should know this if you're 16. Not to mention the enthusiastic "We can talk all night about anything sexual, just don't tell anyone!" With an abundance of heart eyes emojis, and proudly telling everyone around you that FC is in fact your girlfriend. Not only this, but immediately after, someone quickly replied with this screenshot."

Another user, Smxlephxle shared this screenshot not too long after all of this along with his own skin warning people about Brian.

He was commonly seen talking to other young users in a similar way, especially the user softwood who is known to be 12. During this, RainbowSteve attempted to impersonate one of the people confronting him and exposing him, Perplexion, in an attempt to get the heat off of himself. An img.bb album made by Amoxi was also spread around frequently, showcasing a compilation of screenshots of Rainbows behavior, as well as the aformentioned chatlogs from X.

Eventually, RainbowSteve posted the following confession, but then deleted it soon after.

Later on in January, another confession of his would be brought to light.

RainbowSteve be inactive for a short time, and then almost immediately get back into more drama.


In Feburary, Smxlephxle and ARAKNYD found one of RainbowSteve's alts, It'sTravisLOL, talking the user, Chemitz/Chemitz99 Who states that she is 7 years old, asking her if he can "jerk off to her profile picture", and he then proceeded to explain to her in explicit detail what that meant because she was 7. smxle, ARAKNYD, softwood, and amoxi confronted him about it, and he moved to his main account and tried to claim the Travis account was one of his "irl friends" he lent his phone and account to, and that he had no idea his "friend" was like that, though sometimes the story would change to claim that this friend had done this before and Brian broke his phone as a result. When RainbowSteve was being confronted, he was also spotted frantically trying to tell Chemitz to delete the comment where she said she was 7 years old because "those bitches will come back" and he "doesn't want another fight".

After he got called out, he wiped and deleted the Travis account.


This section will be brief due to the subject matter, but at one point RainbowSteve had a pretty fucked up exchange with another little girl by the name of Melody, in which she was roleplaying being raped, and RainbowSteve was making sexualizing comments, and saying it was "turning him on", while also claiming that he believed the roleplay to be a real thing that was currently happening, due to how she was typing it.

Brian is Banned

Finally, in March, the user Zelvind who also assisted the community in investigating the situation, sent an email to the skinseed developers detailing everything RainbowSteve had done, resulting in all his known accounts being suspended, and his IP being banned.

Big thanks to Gully for his skins recounting the events and Amoxicillin for compiling the screenshot album, and smxlephxle for other screenshots.

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